Sunday, December 23, 2018

Make America Great Again

This article is a long time coming and I felt the need to write it after reading and watching several videos/articles where some smug SJW (or Ron Howard) will ask us Conservatives (usually White Conservatives) the leading question "What time period would you say America was great?" and usually the Conservative will go on to say probably 1950s or 60s, thus leading the SJW (or again Ron Howard) to go "Oh so when Women and minorities couldn't vote and when racism was still acceptable?" and the Conservative will backpedal and backpedal to the point where they start making actual beeping noises. After watching these videos and reading these articles I think it's about time I explained to everyone (President Trump included) what "Make America Great Again" really means because despite that being his slogan I don't think he really understands it.

For starters, MAGA is NOT a coded way of saying "Make America White" or some nonsense like that? SJWs LOVE to apply their own understanding to anything if it results in some secret code that only they're privy to that makes their side look virtuous and ours look like baby-killing, color hating Nazis. But I realized right from the gate what MAGA meant and now I'll share it with you. MAGA is an idea, an idea we all had at one point or another. America used to be the place where a person can go from the lowest of the low to multi-millionaire status.

America used to be a place where you could be a high school drop out and if you worked hard enough you could be the head of your own record label and be considered the greatest of all time.

America used to be a place where a self-professed drug dealer can go from selling drugs to being invited to The White House by the head of state and be considered 1/2 of an American Sweetheart couple.

America used to be the place where people started companies in their garage and because they were ballsy enough and innovative enough found themselves becoming multi-millionaires with a product that is used WORLD-WIDE!

America used to be a place where even the most unsociable of us can create something that at one point drew people together and allowed them to stay connected.

America used to be a place where a troubled young kid from the inner city with a violent temper could eventually grow to be on stage in a presidential debate.

America used to be the place where anyone with an idea and the will to make it happen could make it happen if they tried hard enough. That USED to be America! People USED to believe these ideas back in the day. Back in the day there wasn't coveting there was just innovation, people with ideas and dreams and the will to make it happen! Back then people wanted what the other person had but they didn't demand it to be given to them, instead they WORKED for it. And back then Americans understood that, and better still no one understood that more than the flood of people arriving at this country at Elise Island. Chinese immigrants, Italian immigrants and so on who came to this country LEGALLY and worked their backs to the bone to carve out a piece for themselves because they understood that THIS WAS AMERICA! Despite any racial and language barriers THEY MADE IT! THEY SURVIVED AND THRIVED!

THAT USED TO BE AMERICA! WE USED TO BELIEVE THAT! But something happened. The Elites/ The Wealthy suddenly made us believe that The American Dream was unobtainable, that it wasn't real, that we had been lied to. None worse than George Carlin a man LITERALLY living The American Dream (he was a stand-up comedian making good money from stand up and movies) and he has a whole schtick (and a lot of it is true) but the ending. NO, THE AMERICAN DREAM IS REAL! Because people are still living it! People who came from nowhere are suddenly famous and have movies written about them.

People who sit in front of their camera and make videos discussing movies are suddenly making enough to support themselves. An artist who the comic book industry probably wouldn't even look at is able to showcase their work and BE PAID by people who appreciate it. AMERICA IS STILL GREAT, it's the people who forgot. So when we say MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, we're talking about these ideals. Ideals that used to be prevalent back in the 1950s and 60s and so on. Where even Blacks struggling with ACTUAL LEGALIZED racism still managed to raise a family. A time where once microwaves were considered a luxury item and now they're nearly everywhere! A country where cell phones needed various attachments to work and now they're so small they can be a literal watch! We invented the airplane, put men on the moon, we invented the television, the automobile, we invented computers! So many innovations came from this country it's not even funny. Every country in the world has heard of Microsoft and Apple. We invented popular culture: Everyone in the world knows who Superman and Batman are! We're the apex of fame! The top Bollywood star wouldn't be recognized by anyone in America but Matt Damon can go to India and everyone would know who he is. We used to believe we could achieve something. We used to believe that because we were born in this country the sky was the limit as to what we could achieve. And no one ever thinks they're gonna become millionaires or famous or anything, all they did was try and try and try because they believed.

No one believes anymore. All the actors and people with their money suddenly forgot all the hard work it took for them to get to where they are, and they suddenly feel guilty about it, so they start to believe they're privileged and start flogging themselves for working hard and they order the CEOs and business owners to flog themselves to because their money isn't earned, oh no, it's made off the backs of smaller people who don't make as much and in a fair society everyone should make as much as me. That's how they's the reason Jay-Z can say with a straight face "we need to have a discussion about why White people are so privileged in this country.", it's the reason Jada Pinkett Smith can say #OscarsSoWhite while being married to a man who is considered ONE OF THE MOST BANKABLE STARS IN HOLLYWOOD (which means you put him in a movie it'll make money) it's the reason Donald Glover (a rising star in Hollywood and basically the only positive thing people talk about when it comes to the "Solo" movie) can make a song decrying America as a racist wasteland where Black people are shot daily, it's the reason Kendrick Lamar can invite a white girl on stage at his concert and allow her to rap the lyrics of a song he wrote but bar her from saying one word THAT HE WROTE because he's offended.

She's also the reason I stopped watching "Gotham", because despite laying the groundwork for what could have been a pretty awesome Penguin origin story, the writers felt the need to keep her character around and she's not even a character from the comics!

All of these actions are expressions of guilt from people who don't want to admit that they've ascended and they should be above all the bullsh*t but they gotta "keep it real". These are apologies for their hard work. They're basically saying "I'm sorry I have more money than you. I'm sorry I made it and you didn't. Let me complain to everyone about how unfair that is.". That's what it is! Case in point, Youtube is FULL of Black filmmakers (such as myself) screenwriters, comic book artists etc. etc who would love nothing more than for Jada Pinkett Smith to look and go "I wanna support this guy." and throw some money their way or hell, even a shout out. But instead of cultivating Black talent she'd rather complain. Same goes for Spike Lee, who complained about Quentin Tarantino writing "Django Unchained" but never thought about writing a slave revolt revenge fantasy himself, so instead of admitting he's not that talented he'd rather play the only card in his wallet (The Race Card) and complain that Quentin was disrespectful...whatever.

America didn't complain back in the day. America was responsible, America was an adult and did adult things. Now America is sitting on a couch texting and expecting to get a paycheck for a living. We need to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN by putting this idea back in people's heads, the idea that you can make it, the idea that you can try hard enough to succeed, the idea that ANYONE CAN MAKE IT, ANYONE CAN DO IT! You don't have to be special or born in the right family or at the right time, THE TIME IS NOW, THE PLACE IS HERE! Let's MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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