"You know, the White Man put drugs in the Black Community."
Okay, let's pause for a minute and say that this is in fact true and *insert your favorite government group here* put drugs in the African American community. Even if that's true, they didn't make us sell it and they sure as hell didn't make us take it. And consider this, after seeing what drugs has done to our community and our people and we continue to sell and use drugs, does this not become our fault? No one is keeping drugs in the Black community EXCEPT BLACK PEOPLE! But guess what, even though African Americans are selling drugs to other African Americans it's still the White Man's fault, why?
"Because these White people ain't gonna give you no job! These White people ain't gonna let you get no education! And even if they do let you get an education it won't be a good one! And even if you do get a good education they ain't gonna hire you! They ain't gonna give you no loan! They ain't gonna let you do nothing! The The White Man has made it SO hard for Black People that the ONLY thing they can do is turn to selling drugs and crime!"
This is the unfortunate myth being perpetuated in ghettos neighborhoods, which is why you see a devaluing of education and honest work in those kinds of communities. The African American community is constantly being told that they're going to be constantly under the boot heel of the White Man and the White Man isn't going to allow them to advance in life. So let me ask you a question, if you're constantly told that your education doesn't matter because you won't get a job anyway, even if you work extra hard and graduate with a 4.0GPA and high honors, you still won't get anywhere in life, then why care about education? Why care about getting a job if you can't get one? Why not F*ck b*tches and get money, and lo and behold, that's exactly what we see going on in ghettos neighborhoods. Which explains why African Americans have the HIGHEST RATE OF SINGLE PARENT HOUSE HOLDS! Also this explains why African Americans in ghettos neighborhoods are perceived as being materialistic, because why try and save your money when The White Man isn't gonna let you have it anyway? Why not spend it on some new Jordans or some gold chains or rims, why not enjoy it while you can? This clearly evident in the music, which lo and behold is all about f*ckin' b*tches and gettin' money. How about that?
"White People are subconsciously racist against Black People. White People are afraid of Black People. So if a White Person sees a Black Man he doesn't know more than likely he'll shoot him. This is why the police shoot Black people, because of subconscious racism and if they see a Black man somewhere at odd hours they immediately assume he's doing something wrong."
This is adorable. This is adorable for a few reasons which I'm MORE than happy to share with you.
- I was robbed at gun point 2 years ago coming home from work around 10pm a few blocks from my house BY A BLACK MAN!
- I was walking to the store down the street from my house when I saw 2 young BLACK BOYS, one of them had to be around 15 the other one was probably 9. They were a few feet ahead of me, the 15 year old looked down the street behind me and shouted "OH SHIT, THEY COMIN'!" then he pulled a gun out of his pants, cocked it and ran down the block. I turned around and went back home...
- Three houses down from me a 10 year old BLACK Boy was murdered by other BLACK People in a drive-by shooting.
- I was walking to work at 11am, people were outside mowing their lawns. I was down the block listening to my MP3 player and at the other end of the block was 5 BLACK boys (somewhere around 18-19). The one in the front pulled out a gun, cocked it and stood at the end of the block waiting for me. I proceeded to change the song on my MP3 player and headed in the opposite direction. The boy shouted after me "HEY! I'M JUST PLAYIN' DOG, DON'T CALL THE POLICE!".
- There was an altercation with my neighbors where one BLACK woman hit another BLACK woman with her car and drove off.
Now, not too long ago, I was coming home from work around 9pm, about 2 blocks down I saw a group of 5 Black males preparing to turn the corner and head in my direction. I turned the corner and headed down another street. If you don't understand why I did that, then congratulations, you're a moron. And if you do understand why I did that, then congratulations, you're a rational person! The problem is certain Afrocentrics and Race-Baiters (Al Sharpton and Michael Eric Dyson) would have African Americans believe that we're supposed to tremble in fear whenever we see a White Person and automatically assume that said White Person is racist and is planning to kill us without moment's hesitation, while at the same time marginalizing the fact that BLACK PEOPLE KILL BLACK PEOPLE in astronomical numbers. The statistic of White on Black violence isn't anywhere near the statistics of Black on Black violence! But you get Al Sharpton and Michael Eric Dyson and Melissa Harris Perry throwing around terms like "Genocide of The Black Male" committed by White Males all the while THE REAL genocide is being committed by BLACK MALES!
I was walking to work one day, about 6am, sun was still coming up, a police car pulled down the street and by the body language of the car and the direction it was headed, I could tell it was coming for me. So I froze in place and put my hands up. The officers got out of the vehicle and told me to place my hands on the car. I did. One of the officers patted me down and felt my wallet in my pocket. He asked me what it was, I told him it was my wallet and he asked for my I.D. I pulled out my wallet and showed him. He asked me why I was out, I told him I was on my way to work, he asked me where work was, I told him, he asked me where I was coming from, I told him I was coming from home, he asked me where hom was, I told him. He looked over my I.D. a bit more, handed it back to me and told me I needed a jacket, I told him I was good and told him I was actually happy to see them out there.
Unfortunately, Mookie, Ray-Ray and Boo-Boo, when they see cops in their neighborhood, they get uppity and assume that the police are trying to arrest them and they start shouting at them and resist arrest and then when the police take action, they cry racism and suddenly EVERY WHITE POLICE OFFICER IS A POWER MADE RACIST LOOKING TO KILL BLACK PEOPLE! Let me tell you, I was more afraid of those 5 Black guys I saw 3 blocks away from me than I was of the cops. Which brings me to...
"The Police treat Black People like shit!"
When The Police come into Black neighborhoods, no one wants to talk to them, everyone is suspicious about why they're there, they don't make the police feel welcomed, and have zero confidence in them actually caring enough to do anything, and Black people wonder why Police aren't exactly excited about handling cases in "the Hood". Not denying there are racist police officers, but the vast majority of police officers are hardworking individuals trying to make a living like everyone else and bare in mind they put their lives on the line doing it...and I will NEVER give a police officer a hard time, because I respect them too damn much.
"Black People can't get cabs in New York because of racism!"
Not denying there are some racist cab drivers, but consider this, there are Black cab drivers and even they don't pick up Black clients, are they racists too? Or do they understand that African Americans RULE crime statistics in places like New York, after all "Do or Die-Bed-Sty" ain't called that because New Hampshire already claimed "Live Free or Die". Al Sharpton complains Stop & Frisk is specifically targeting Black People because Blacks are Stopped and Frisked more often than Whites. Well, maybe that's BECAUSE BLACKS ARE DOING 90% MORE OF THE CRIMES THAN WHITES ARE! So of course if one demographic has committed more crimes than the other demographic, I don't know about you, but it seems logical to focus on the more likely group than the less likely group. So if you're Black and you can't catch a cab in New York, don't take it out on the "racist" cab driver, take it out on Mookie, Ray-Ray and Boo-Boo who robbed one too many cab drivers to the point where they don't feel safe taking you back home to Brooklyn. I am NOT saying that Whites don't commit crimes, but logically speaking, you're more likely to be robbed by a Black Man than you are a White Man, it's not because you're Black, but because statistics. Which leads me too...
"Talk about Black on Black crime is diverting from the real issue."
Which leads me to ask, what exactly is the real issue? Black people killing other Black people isn't an alarming enough issue to be considered a real issue and considering it happens more frequently than not, considering than the average life span of an African American male living in an urban area is 26 and considering I almost became apart of that statistic, I'd say it's not diverting from the real issue, it IS THE REAL ISSUE. Why do African Americans have such a ridiculously high crime rate amongst our own people? Of course, Afrocentrics and Al Sharptons and Michael Eric Dysons of the world will some how spin this so that it's somehow The White Man's fault. The truth is, it's the fault of the Afrocentrics, The Al Sharptons and Michael Eric Dysons of the world, it's their fault when they excuse Black on Black crime to discuss White on Black crime and treat Black on Black crime as if it's anomaly. Black on Black crime is created by fostering an attitude of hatred between other African Americans, the have and have-nots, and the haves are seen as "Uncle Toms", "Sell outs" and "Sambos" and are accused of "not remembering where they come from". Michael Eric Dysons and Al Sharptons convince Black People that White People are out to get them at all times, so getting somewhere in life as a Black person is next to impossible, and with that attitude, why not steal from someone who has more than you, especially if they've "sold out" to The White Man.
"Black people can't be racist because racism describes a political system of disadvantage based on race."
This is a Michael Eric Dyson special! Unfortunately, African American so-called scholars have convinced themselves that African Americans can't be racist because they aren't in power, and therefore the most they can be is bigoted and prejudice. This is a crock of sh*t and the reason why is because Racism is simply "having negative beliefs and exhibiting negative behaviors towards someone solely based on their ethnicity.", which ANYONE AND EVERYONE is capable of! But since African Americans exclude themselves from having this ability, it sets up a power dynamic which goes like this "No matter what Black People do to White People it's not as bad as what White People do to Black People.". Which again is a crock of sh*t. But it sets up the power dynamic in order to insure that White People are racist even without being racist, because the simple fact that they're White and benefiting from their Whiteness and not rejecting those benefits is a prime example of their racism. This power dynamic is also the reason why Black on White violence is rarely discussed (if ever) and (if) when it is the topic of race is never brought into the discussion, DESPITE THE FACT THAT BLACK PEOPLE ARE JUST AS CAPABLE OF KILLING A WHITE PERSON FOR BEING WHITE AS A WHITE PERSON IS KILLING A BLACK PERSON FOR BEING BLACK! But because of this power dynamic, that's never brought up and if it is, it just another example of White privilege (somehow).
This power dynamic also maintains that Black People will forever be in the victim position. Because if Black People are incapable of doing something that their White counterparts can do, then Black people are at a self-imposed infinite disadvantage. This power-dynamic also sets up the ideology that Black People are inherently better than White People because White can be racist and Black People just don't have that ability...despite the fact that Racism is a thought process, therefore Black People are implying that their brains can't process racism, which is hilarious. Returning to the power dynamic, consider this, If WW2 The Jews started shoving Germans in furnaces as revenge for The Germans allows The Jews to be carted off to camps, and The Jews claimed they were justified in this action because of the holocaust and therefore aren't as bad as The Nazis because of they have a precedent for these actions, that'd make The Jews just as bad as The Nazis. Unfortunately, Black People haven't gotten the memo that we can be racist, so when we say things like:
"I don't hate White People, I just hate what they do."
"We don't need some old crusty White Man in Office."
"He's not doing things the White way, he's doing things the right way." (in regards to President Obama)
"Pro-Life White people are only pro-life until their daughters are going to have a biracial baby, then they'd force their daughter to get a abortion" (which explains why they're NO Biracial children in America. By the way, this is my favorite and I'll be getting to this VERY soon)
"White Women think they're entitled to Black Men."
"White People only own guns so they can shoot Black People."
I was listening to the radio and a Black Man was telling a story about his nephew bringing a White girl over. When his mother saw the White girl, she proceed to say "GET THAT THING OUT OF MY HOUSE!". This was told as an amusing anecdote of interracial dating and not an obvious case of racism.
And things like this get posted...
And basically whenever the topic of race is bought up, all of a sudden every Black Person who went to college suddenly becomes an armchair psychologist on the DEEP-seeded subconscious racism of White People and if ONLY White people would just admit that deep down in the core of their very Whiteness they're Racist, the world would be a better place..go figure.
"Pro-Life White people are only pro-life until their daughters are going to have a biracial baby, then they'd force their daughter to get a abortion"
This little gem of illogical comes from Alabama Democratic Senator Alvin Holmes, a BLACK MAN who basically denied the existence of President Obama...considering Obama is biracial and his mother is White. Now just to show you how stupid this is, I'm gonna use my previous illustration of Nazi Germany. Now ALL the Nazis hate Jews, that's a given, however there are a small group of Nazis who are 100% against the furnaces and want Hitler to stop using the furnaces. They're still dedicated to killing Jews, but just not with the furnaces. Despite the fact that the furnaces can kill the maximum number of Jews in a blink of an eye. That's basically how this is, Sen. Holmes is suggesting that White People want to stop the only LEGAL way to slaughter African Americans in DROVES? Abortion kills MORE African Americans THAN ANYTHING ON THE PLANET! And Senator Holmes is convinced that White People are SO racists that they want to stop abortion? In what way does that make even the slightest bit of sense? I mean after all if White People are so uncontrollably racist and want to kill all Black People, then they should be very much pro-abortion because African Americans get abortions WAY more than anyone else. You'd think those Super Racist White People would want to kill the LARGEST number of Black People possible. Also considering the fact that biracial people are common place in America, Alvin Holmes is clearly speaking out of that hole in his face that he's clearly mistaking for his ass because he's saying nothing but sh*t.
Black People complain that nothing's being done about racism while stuff is getting done about racism. Two Black teenagers were shot and killed, MASSIVE media attention, Federal Personnel got involved, riots happened, News panel after news panel was assembled to talk about race relations in America and when it's all said and done, Al Sharpton and Michael Eric Dyson take their money and their race-hustling selves back to their ivory tower and scream at the top of their lungs "NOTHING'S BEING DONE ABOUT RACISM!" "WE NEVER HAVE AN HONEST TALK ABOUT RACE!". Well I think we just did, and if this didn't do it for you, wait for when I tackle this topic in a later post that I'm currently working on...until then...ugh.
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